Baobab Centre for Young Survivors in Exile – Surviving violence, creating hope, rebuilding lives


Baobab News

Talk: Lawyers for Justice in Libya

As part of Baobab’s outreach and training efforts, Mehdi Ben Youssef, legal advisor at NGO Lawyers for Justice in Libya, came to discuss the migration situation in Libya today with members of Baobab staff.

Lawyers for Justice in Libya is leading in efforts to document human rights abuses of people migrating through Libya and their participation in bringing evidence when perpetrators face justice. Part of their work is to advocate at the EU level in order to end the EU’s shameful collaboration with Libyan parties implicated in human rights abuses.

Many young people from our community have direct experiences of the appaling conditions of treatment of people on the move in Libya, of extortions from police or other parties there, brutality, and many forms of abuse. Baobab will be hoping to increase its partnership with LJL and support their documentation efforts.
