2017 Lecture Series: Resilience and Vulnerability
5 Jul 2017
Find details of The Baobab Centre’s 2017 lecture series “Resilience and Vulnerability: The gains and costs of survival for Young People seeking asylum”
5 July 2017
Dr Zoe Given-Wilson on “Remembering and Telling: A psychological perspective on young asylum seekers’ testimonies”
Zoe Given-Wilson is the child researcher for the Centre for the Study of Emotion and the Law. Her talked looked into psychological and developmental issues pertinent to decision making in young people’s refugee status claims. She is a clinical psychologist and has both research and clinical experience working with children from a range of cultures and backgrounds.
15 March 2017
Professor Ravi Kohli on “Working with unaccompanied asylum seeking children: some thoughts from the field”
In his seminar, Professor Kohli reflected on the various ways young people seeking asylum are defined by the movements (and borders) in their lives – movements from place to place, the movements of growing up, and the psychological movements that they make to find some internalised balance in their lives. He touched upon what ‘home’ means in the context of such movements, and how they build, and can be helped to build sheltered and sustainable lives.