The Plans and Hopes and Fears of Afghan Families For the Future
13 Mar 2019
Baobab Talk Series
13 March 2019
Free event at the Baobab Centre
Based on her extensive ethnographic work in Afghanistan, Prof. Liza Schuster discusses how migration figures in Afghan families’ plans, hopes and fears for the future.
Prof. Liza Schuster researches different stages of the migration process, in particular the European regimes governing asylum, entry and deportation, as well as the impact of deportation on those deported and their families. An important element of her work is the role of racism as a cause and response to migration. She worked in Afghanistan, exploring how fears and perceptions about the presidential elections and the withdrawal of international forces in 2014 is affecting emigration, while finishing two manuscripts. She has also recently helped launch the Afghanistan Migration Advice Organization.
Please note: this is now a past event
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