Baobab Centre for Young Survivors in Exile – Surviving violence, creating hope, rebuilding lives


Muslim Shinwari

head and shoulders portrait

Trainee Group Worker

A few words about me

I am a qualified professional Pashto interpreter and Group worker at Baobab. I hold a bachelor’s degree and am currently studying Group Analysis at Institute of Group Analysis (IGA). I joined Baobab in 2016 and have a wealth of experience in mental health interpreting. Alongside Baobab, I also work for the NHS, Local Authorities, law firms etc. I enjoy helping and working with refugees – and playing cricket.

What does your role at Baobab involve?

Pashto interpreter, group worker, and also, from time to time, organising cricket-related activities at the Baobab Centre, like a match or watching the World Cup on a big screen there…

What 3 words would you use to describe Baobab?

