Ferelyth Watt
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, and Head of Psychotherapy
A few words about me
I enjoy meeting new people and learning about their lives. I love to travel and to combine this with walking, as this is a good way to see a country and meet people. I play the clarinet and I am learning the alto sax and Handpan. I love sport e.g. running and sea kayaking.
What does your role at Baobab involve?
I am passionate about finding ways to support people therapeutically and working with the other psychotherapists, in collaboration with all the staff, in doing this.
What is your desert island book or music?
Two please: A Year with Rumi: Daily Readings by Coleman Barks and The Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World: 16th edition.
What 3 words would you use to describe Baobab?
Passionate. Thoughtful. Compassionate.