Baobab Centre for Young Survivors in Exile – Surviving violence, creating hope, rebuilding lives


Project Request Form

If you would like to do research with or have a project that would involve the young people of our community or our staff, please complete the request form below.

This will help us think about the likely impacts of your project on our community, evaluate how we can be of help, and safeguard the interests of the young people in our community. Our next research committee will discuss your project and we will be in touch as soon as possible. We are a reflective, research-based organisation and want to be as supportive of your project as we can. However please note that we are also small and will not be able to accept all research proposals.

Required fields marked *

Will this project form part of an educational qualification?*
e.g. MSc, PhD
(100 words max)
(for example, interviews, surveys, filmed interviews, etc.)
(e.g. publication, screening, etc.)
Will the project involve the young people in our community?*
(demographics, origins, etc.)
(for example: 1 hour per interview, or half a day for filming, etc.)
Note: all research involving young people will take place at the Baobab Centre
(clinicians, social workers, admin staff, volunteers, etc.)
(for example: 1 hour per interview, or half a day for filming, etc.)
Will you offer payment to participants for their time?*
Will you be able to meet interpreting costs?*
Is funding in place for your project?*
Note: Baobab is proudly independent of all and any government interference in its funding
Note: all research involving young people will take place at the Baobab Centre
Please upload any relevant documents (e.g. interview script, information sheet, ethics approval). Max file size: 5Mb. Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, rtf, xls, xlsx. To upload multiple files click Browse and select up to 5 files.
Do you consent for Baobab to store and process the details you’ve provided above, in accordance with our privacy policy*